I've been absent from this page and from running for a bit. I went to Mexico for a week with 6 of the women with whom I run. I ran twice while I was in Vallarta and did the Vallarta version of the incline too (200 steps up from the beach, repeat 3 or 4 times). I think Jane captured the feeling best, "I feeling like I'm breathing in water." It was HOT and sticky and wet. But I couldn't go on vacation with my running friends and not run. :-)
And today I ran my first 5k in a LONG time. 26:33 or something like that. Good to know I can run a few sustained miles in a row under 9 minutes. Tomorrow I'll do my long run since I raced with Micky today on the all women's winning team "Won't be dead last" at the Veteran's Home Run instead of with TNT! Tuesday I go back to TNT full swing and hit the track again!
I thought I'd put in a shout out to all the people who have donated. My total doesn't reflect it yet, as I've just mailed a few more checks, but I've now met my goal of raising $2100. No reason to stop though.
Many of you have donated in honor of friends and loved ones including: Donald Seeburger, Tom Blumn & John Blumn, Pat Hunt, Joel Conner, Lisa Sundeen, grandfather's, friends and others. $900 dollars that you have all contributed goes straight, 100% to LLS research and programs. I've said it before, but it's worth saying again!
I am deeply grateful and eager to continue on this journey not only on behalf of my cousin Pat in whose honor I do this but on behalf of KayKay's dad and all those people important in your loves!
Keep Running!
hey Jess- just chilling after finishing my first triathlon in 22 years (and that was just one sprint Tri in Seattle years ago!) Today i completed 1.5km swim, 45 km bike and 16km run. I am very tired! but grateful for a healthy body and the opportunity to use it- I placed 1st in my age group :)! 4 long hours! Thanks for sharing your blog. Hydi